Magnetrol International N.V.

Magnetrol International N.V.
European Headquarters Heikensstraat 6
9240 Zele - Belgium
Magnetrol International, Inc. manufactures process control level and flow instrumentation products to monitor and control flow rates of fluid chemicals, water, slurries, sewage and gas, and liquids and solids. The company’s products include displacer switches, external caged, float level switches, flow switches, guided wave radars, magnetic level indicators, magnetostrictive, pulse burst radars, RF level controls, software, thermal dispersions, ultrasonic contacts, ultrasonic non-contacts, and vibration switches, as well as accessories, including digital meters and external chambers. Its products are used in various applications, such as drilling fluid tanks, chemical injection skids, well stream separations, field storage tanks, water processing, crude dehydration, crude desalting and stabilization, crude stabilization, vapor recovery units, sour gas treatments, NGL recovery, tank blanketing, flare stacks and headers, power generation, gasoline refining, sanitary industries, and water and wastewater treatment.