World’s largest recovered fuel fired boiler

for Mälarenergi’s heat and power plant in Sweden

  • February 3, 2012
  • World’s largest recovered fuel fired boiler
    World’s largest recovered fuel fired boiler

    Metso will supply Mälarenergi’s combined heat and power plant (CHP) in Västerås, Sweden, with the world’s largest recovered fuel fired boiler. The new boiler with a fuel input of 167 MW will utilize circulating fluidized bed (CFB) technology and it will serve as a base unit to meet the disctrict heating power needs of Västerås and Hallstahammar municipalities. Metso’s delivery will account for about 30 per cent of the approximately EUR 300 million modernization project of the CHP plant. The modernized CHP plant will be commissioned in the middle of 2014. The order is included in Pulp, Paper and Power’s first quarter 2012 orders received.

    The modernization is a significant investment for the city of Västerås as the existing CHP plant is in need of a comprehensive upgrade.The principal fuel for the new boiler will be recovered fuel prepared from municipal waste, and the new boiler also has possibility to burn biofuel. Compared with current boilers, the new system will give the plant a more flexible fuel mix.

    “The modernization is an important investment for Mälarenergi and the city of Västerås, as well as for our customers,” says Kenneth Jönsson, President, Mälarenergi AB. “The investment will give us a greater fuel mix flexibility. We chose Metso because they fulfilled our requirements regarding price, technology, availability and experience.”

    Mälarenergi is owned by the city of Västerås and provides electricity, district heating and cooling with related services to customers in Västerås Municipality as well as in surrounding regions. The company also sells electricity to private and corporate customers throughout Sweden. Mälarenergi has about 570 employees and net sales of about EUR 340 million.