Ultrasonic flowmeter

for liquid applications

  • Ultrasonic flowmeter
    Ultrasonic flowmeter

    Krohne introduces the OPTISONIC 3400 ultrasonic flowmeter for liquids. The 3-beam inline flowmeter can be used for both standard and more demanding applications in terms of process temperature, pressure or high viscosities. Target industries for the device include oil & gas, petrochemical and chemical, as well as energy and utility applications in all industries.

    Being an ultrasonic flowmeter, it offers bi-directional flow measurement independent of conductivity, temperature, density and pressure of medium. It is based on the transit time method and has 3 parallel acoustic/ultrasonic beams. They generate a measurement independent of flow profile to deliver accuracy also under less favorable flow profile conditions, e.g. short inlets and outlets. Within a flow range of 0,3…20m/s, OPTISONIC 3400 features an accuracy of +/- 0,3%. To suit a broad range of applications, the temperature range extends from -200…250˚C, and viscosities can reach as high as 1000cSt which applies e.g. for crude oil.

    Its welded full bore, unobstructed sensor presents no pressure loss and has no potential leak points. A large choice in process connections according to DIN and ASME for nominal diameters of DN25…3000 is available. The flowmeter is available in compact and remote versions. For demanding process temperatures such as cryogenic conditions or extended temperatures, dedicated remote designs can be supplied.

    OPTISONIC 3400 features the new signal converter UFC 400 that enables single or multi-liquid applications with the same device. It includes a new user-friendly human machine interface with both push buttons and optical buttons. To simplify set-up and operation, the flowmeter complies to the general device concept of KROHNE that provides the same operating concept for flow, level and analysis converters. UFC 400 provides multiple communication options e.g. HART 7, FOUNDATION Fieldbus, PROFIBUS PA, Modbus and various I/O selections, e.g. measurement of the velocity of sound for product identification or process analysis. It also features enhanced diagnostic and status indications according to NAMUR NE 107.