Magnetrol’s Eclipse 705 two wire guided wave radar (GWR) is type approved for steam drums, EN 12952‐11 (water tube boilers) and EN 12953‐9 (shell type boilers) as “primary safety” and “secondary safety”. Released in 1998, the Eclipse 705 was the first two wire guided wave radar (GWR) on the market. Combined with a 7MS probe the device can be used in saturated steam applications at a pressure of 155 bar at an equivalent temperature of 345°C. Additional diagnostic tools allow the user to integrate this transmitter into highly demanding safety instrument loops. With a Safe Failure Fraction (SFF) of 91% the device scores amongst the highest safety levels. It is possible to install two or even three guided wave radars on one external cage for specific applications. Even when installing only two devices in one cage a SIL3 safety level can be obtained. Adding a third device to the same cage assures continuity to the production process. The three obtained individual level signals increase the overall reliability. A typical example for such an extreme safety application can be found in the power generation sector where accurate monitoring of water levels in steam drum and boilers is a must. It is a challenge maintaining constant liquid level in the upper part of the drum in order to provide the proper quality of steam. Instrumentation must withstand high temperatures and pressures. Edited by Constanze Schmitz
Two wire guided wave radar
for critical applications
- by Magnetrol International N.V.
- February 8, 2011