Trends and Megatrends in Process Engineering

ystral Online-Seminar with Dr. Jacob

  • Trends and Megatrends in Process Engineering
    Trends and Megatrends in Process Engineering

    ystral is well-known as a machine and complete system manufacturer in the chemical, food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. Our solutions are used wherever powders or liquids are mixed or dispersed into other liquids. We are therefore familiar with all the special features in very differently oriented areas and tasks and apply our experience across all industries - for your benefit.

    We are known for not just building machines but often also offering completely new process engineering solutions. With our solutions, we have set trends that have changed process engineering globally.

    Clever process engineering solutions can become trends or megatrends. It is precisely such trends and megatrends that Dr. Jacob is going to present to you in our next online seminar on the 24 June 2022.

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