Testing solutions

for photovoltaic units

  • Testing solutions
    Testing solutions

    Roof-mounted photovoltaic units must be able to withstand the effects of extreme weather. Their life expectancy of 20 to 40 years places heavy demands on wafers, solar cells, modules and so on. Material testing plays a vital role. Typical solar industry tests include: 45° compression shear test on adhered glass sheets, 90° or 180° peel test (peeling film from glass sheet), tensile test on films to ISO 527, double ring test on glass, similar to DIN EN 1288-5, tear test on electrical connections, tensile test on electrical cables and cable connections as well as tensile, compression and flexure tests on mounting systems for attaching modules. Complete solutions are available, special retaining and support systems, including the customer’s own, can be integrated into the testing machine to enable tensile, compression and cyclic tests to the customer’s requirements. Tests are performed and evaluated by intelligent testXpert II testing software, featuring data links (import/export) to other applications, multimedia testing and full documentation of a materials test, or simple test series management.