Storage Terminal Operators’ Conference & Exhibition:

international event for the tank terminal industry

  • January 23, 2012
  • Storage Terminal Operators’ Conference & Exhibition:
    Storage Terminal Operators’ Conference & Exhibition:

The Storage Terminal Operators’ Conference & Exhibition (StocExpo) will take place 13 - 15 March 2012 at the Ahoy Expo in Rotterdam, The Netherlands

After a host of successful events, coupled with a growing conference & exhibition, StocExpo has earned its place as THE International event for the bulk liquid storage sector. At StocExpo 2012, independent and major terminal operators as well as manufacturers & suppliers will come together to redefine strategic vision and technical requirements for tomorrows' terminals.

Each year the conference covers a variety of fundamental issues facing the industry and its numerous stakeholders. The programme is carefully designed and evaluated by leading figures in the industry ensuring presentations stay up-to-date and constructive for those in attendance.

The exhibition boasts a diverse range of products and services form the world's top tank construction, automation, metering, engineering, valve, fire prevention, mixing, steel and vapour recovery companies among many other disciplines.