Seamless Connectivity for Process Networks

Ethernet-APL Switch for Safe Field Integration

  • Seamless Connectivity for Process Networks
    Seamless Connectivity for Process Networks

    The aplSwitch Field from Softing Industrial connects Ethernet networks directly to Ethernet-APL field devices via a 2-WISE connection. It ensures reliable power supply and seamless integration, offering the benefits of Ethernet-APL, such as faster data transmission and enhanced efficiency for process installations. The extended version, aplSwitch Field PA, supports older PROFIBUS PA devices, bridging legacy and new technologies.

    With PROFINET and MRP support, the aplSwitch Field integrates into Distributed Control Systems (DCS) and Asset Management Systems (AMS). Its diagnostic features and display simplify setup, while the Field Device Integration (FDI) package makes configuration easy. Certified for Ex Zone 2, it connects devices in Ex Zones 0 and 1.

    Perfect for new and existing projects, the aplSwitch Field ensures a seamless shift to Ethernet-APL, future-proofing process installations.

    Visit Softing Industrial at SPS 2024 in Nuremberg, hall 5, booth 258, to find out more.