SCADA/HMI software

offers freely definable graphics

  • SCADA/HMI software
    SCADA/HMI software

    The SCADA/HMI software zenon 6.50 offers freely definable screen shapes, transparency, color gradients and shadows make distinctive user interfaces possible and WPF frees technicians from design duties. Consequently, an improved user interface supports Operators and companies benefit from CI-compliant designs. The software fully supports the new graphics, based on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Graphics duties remain the task of designers, who design user interfaces and elements as they wish. The technician simply takes on the design in the form of a WPF element. It also offers a selection of programming tools: .NET programming with C# or Visual Basic.NET based on Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications (VSTA). Thanks to the integration these technologies, the developer has over 10,000 classes available, which can be used to develop entirely object-orientated software.