In Boxberg (Saxony), Vattenfall Europe Generation AG operates one of the biggest and most modern lignite-fired power stations in Europe. For the construction of the new 675 MW power plant unit R the control technology was realised with five HIMax safety systems.
One HIMax safety system is used as an emergency shutdown system (ESD) for boiler protection, while the other four safety systems are applied as burner control systems (BCSs) in coal mills that include 24 coal burners, 8 oil burners and 2 slop oil burners. More than 1,700 input and output signals are safely processed with the HIMax systems. HIMA was also responsible for the project management, engineering, system commissioning (power on and system communication) as well as for programming the safety systems.
The HIMax controllers are integrated into the control and monitoring functions of the Mauell ME 4012SN control system via Modbus TCP and OPC A&E. The safety systems communicate with one another via the safeethernet protocol developed by HIMA and can be used up to SIL 3.
Additionally, the relay output modules are also approved for safely shutting down the entire fuel supply system in burner controllers (EN 298, EN 50156-VDE 0116). The use of additional interface relays is therefore not necessary.
The function plans for programming the controllers were developed in the Helmut Mauell GmbH macro-representation. Control-specific macros from the manufacturer's libraries were implemented in SILworX function blocks. SILworX is a fully integrated configuration, programming and diagnostic environment. The SILworX function blocks, such as those for barrel-level measurement and water and gas flow measurement, were grouped in an individual library and can be directly used by Helmut Mauell GmbH for future projects.
Safety systems ensure
boiler protection and burner control
- by HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH
- August 21, 2012