River Level Monitoring

with Radar Sensors

  • River Level Monitoring
    River Level Monitoring
  • River Level Monitoring
    River Level Monitoring
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Exact river level monitoring is a vitalprerequisite for the documentation of wellcapacity. Moreover, it allows the operator of water works to react quickly and correctly incase of high water. Level measurement on the river Mulde
When it comes to drinking water production,water works have to pay very careful attention to the interactions and influence of ground, surface and flowing water. A water works located on the river Mulde needs quick, accurate level information in order toevaluate the affects of river water level onthe capacity of nearby wells. In this particularcase, the official level measuring sites aretoo far away to deliver accurate, timely informationfor operating the waterworks. Andthis is a critical factor, because the Muldeis the fastest-flowing river in Central Europe.
The requirements on the level measurement are exactly defined. The river level must be measured with an accuracy of ±5 mm and transmitted immediately to the water works so that changes can be registered as quickly as possible. The level information is used in addition to high water warnings to enable a fast switch-over to pressure drainage, for examplein case of flooding. Radar sensors with radio transmission
The radar sensor Vega puls 61 offers precise level measurement. Because the sensor operates with a non-contact measuring principle, it cannot get soiled. The plastic-encapsulated antenna of the sensor is insensitive to weather effects like cold, rain or wind.The measured level values are transmitted continuously via the radio module Plics radio T61/R61 over a distance of about 400 m to the control room of the water works, where they are then evaluated. Both the radar sensor and the radio transmitter Plics radio T61 are fastened under a bridge, protected from the weather and inaccessible to unauthorized persons. Power for the sensor and the radio module is obtained from the existing street lighting.
Due to its simple setup and commissioning,unproblematic mounting and high reliability,Vegapuls 61 is a highly suited sensor for river level measurement. It is robust as well as weather-proof and guarantees trouble-free operation through non contact measurement.Wireless transmission of readings with the transmitting and receiving unit Plics radio makes level measurement without signal line wiring feasible.