Refractive index measurement makes a determination of the concentration or density of liquids possible. For many measuring tasks, refractometry is a standardized method introduces long ago, for instance for the determination of the concentration of sugar solutions. Basically, whenever a refractometer is used to measure in the laboratory, it is also suited for the same task in the process. Additionally, the process refractometer PIOX® R can be used for many applications where measurements were done by a different method up to now, or not at all.
PIOX® R measures with transmitted light. The refraction measurement occurs directly in the probe volume flow and not indirectly at the boundary layer. This method is especially reliable and not affected by deposits.
Typical Applications:
Chemical Industry
Oil and Gas Industry, Petrochemistry
olymer and Fiber Chemistry
Food and Beverage Industry
Pharmaceutical Industry
PIOX® R Process Insight Through Transmitted Light
Process Refractometer Yields Reliable Process Control
- by FLEXIM GmbH
- September 9, 2010