Overcoming High Current Mixer Start-up Issues

An industrial chemical mixer's high torque start-up was causing problems for a Mexican manufacturer of specialist automotive cleaning products. They turned to new Variable Frequency Drive technology to resolve the problem.

  • Overcoming High Current Mixer Start-up Issues
    Overcoming High Current Mixer Start-up Issues

    Mexico-based Margrey, which manufacturers chemicals and products used for cleaning and detailing in the automotive sector, was struggling to find a variable frequency drive (VFD) capable of handling the high start-up current and demanding mixing application. “The mixer motor needed to reach 75HP. However, the density and volume of the liquids being mixed placed high levels of stress on the mixer blades at start-up,” said Marcus Silva, Invertek Drives Head of Sales in Latin America.

    Mixing substances with different densities

    InnovationCom, a sales partner of Invertek Drives, worked with Margrey in Jalisco to develop a solution. They identified the Optidrive P2 as a VFD more than suited to the application. It would control a 480V, 3 Phase motor. “The agitator mixes a range of substances with different densities. So, it was important to have complete control at all stages of the mixing process, from start-up with a high-current, through to variable speed control during each stage of the mixing process, or where additional substances are added,” added Marcus.

    In addition, the enclosure protection of the drive, due to the environment it was operating in, and its physical size were also importance factors. They wanted a drive that could be easily installed into an existing cabinet on the mixer. A combination of these meant the company was struggling to identify a suitable VFD. The Optidrive P2 is one of the most powerful VFDs in its class. It combines high performance with ease of use. It can handle 150% overload for 60 seconds. In this instance, an IP55 rated, Frame Size 6 with 110A, 380V-480V, 3PH input was chosen.

    “The customer was impressed with the speed of the installation and commissioning, something the Optidrive range is well known for. Its ability to handle the large capacity and powerful motors without any problems was also a major plus for the business which has been able to continue production without any issues,” added Marcus.