Oval gear flowmeters

for viscous fluid flow

  • Oval gear flowmeters
    Oval gear flowmeters

    High-precision Oval Gear (OG) flowmeters from Titan Enterprises can monitor a viscous fluid flow at flow rates up to 500l/min, using stainless steel, PEEK or other body materials at up to 150C and up to 700 bar. Beneficially, unlike other flowmeters, measurement accuracy of OG flowmeters improves as the liquid viscosity increases, from a nominal one per cent to around 0.1 per cent of flow rate at higher viscosities.

    In a Titan OG flowmeter - oval shaped gear-toothed rotors rotate within a chamber of specified geometry. As these rotors turn, they sweep out and trap a very precise volume of fluid between the outer oval shape of the gears and the inner chamber walls with none of the fluid actually passing through the gear teeth.  Magnets are embedded in the rotors which then actuate a reed switch or provide a pulse output via a Hall Effect sensor. Each pulse or switch closure then represents a precise increment of liquid volume that passes through the meter. The result is highly accurate flow measurement almost immune from the effects of varying fluid viscosity, density and temperature.

    Titan OG flowmeters are available in sizes from 1/4 to 2in, for flows between 1ml/min and 500l/min. Individually flow calibrated, they are supplied with a traceable flow test certificate, for flows both in forward and reverse directions, if necessary.  Options are available for monitoring of aggressive / hazardous fluids or inclusion of feature windows to allow visual flow checking.  Each OG flowmeter provides an electronic pulse output enabling simple interfacing with flow rate indicators or machine control systems.

    Compact and ruggedly designed – Titan Oval Gear flowmeters uniquely combine high performance with a low cost of ownership. Viscous flow monitoring applications benefiting from Titan OG flowmeters including monitoring of lubrication-flow in compressors and rock-crushing machinery, forward and reverse fuel flows on marine diesel engines, syrup injections in beverage lines, automated dispensing of cooking oils, flow rate and volume of batch chemicals as well as monitoring wax finishes, perfumes and sizing chemicals that are sprayed onto paper.