Netzsch honored with

Frost & Sullivan Best Practice Award

  • March 7, 2012
  • Netzsch honored with
    Netzsch honored with

Frost & Sullivan (F&S), one of the leading market research institutes which has been carrying out studies on a wide variety of pump applications and markets for many years, has honored Netzsch Pumps & Systems with the 2011 Best Practice Award for increased customer benefit. Decisive factors for Frost & Sullivan were our constant focus on the development of innovative products and solutions tailored to the needs of our customers.

The company combines direct sales via an international network of branch offices and through numerous intensively-trained representatives and service partners. The business unit organization leads to reliable support for customers through experts in their particular application. Thus, the company can offer customers tailor-made products and solutions, challenges from the marketplace are seen as stimulus for the devel-opment of new products and early ingress into new applications leads to market leadership. Moreover, the chief analyst of F&S recognizes that, due to its early involvement in growth markets such as Brazil, China and India, Netzsch has been much more successful at warding off the effects of the recession than companies that concentrate on developed markets.