Centork reports a very successful worldwide launch of the innovative CK range of modular electric valve actuators at the 2014 Valve World Expo. Designed to deliver a highly reliable, economical and flexible solution for duties and applications of all descriptions in many industries, the CK incorporates features developed with the benefit of decades of operating experience. Designed as a series of interchangeable modular building blocks, the CK design can facilitate quick delivery, a benefit that is of great interest to many of the valvemakers and end-users who visited the Centork stand.
The modular construction presents a wide range of options and features, enabling each actuator to precisely match its specific valve duty and function. The choice ranges from basic actuators requiring separate motor controls to sophisticated versions equipped with the state-of-the-art Centronik intelligent digital control unit. Centronik provides integral control with data logging for diagnostics and asset management.
The module is compatible with hardwired, digital or analogue control protocols and offers cost-effective integration with centralised and distributed control systems. Non-intrusive, password protected configuration is performed using the actuator selector switches or the hand-held Centork Setting Tool, using infra-red or Bluetooth® interfaces. The Centronik display provides position indication, status and alarms plus user-friendly menu-driven configuration screens.
Centork CK actuators provide isolating or modulating control of multi-turn, part-turn or linear valves. Operating from single-phase or three-phase electrical supplies, all actuators are environmentally sealed to IP68 against an 8 metre head of water for a maximum of 96 hours continuous submersion with 10 electrically powered operations permissible whilst submerged. Plug and socket connections for power supplies and between modules assist swift site wiring and provide a simple connection platform for upgrades and modifications.