The microwave barrier VEGAMIP 61 with gas-Ex approval (ATEX/IEC) and combination gas and dust-Ex approval (ATEX/IEC) are available as of now. The ATEX approval is available in combination with a metallic, pressure-tight encapsulated (ExD) housing and a choice of relay or transistor electronics version.
The microwave barrier is especially adapted to the requirements and needs of the bulk solids industry. The measurement is non-contact and the sensor itself has no direct contact with the medium. This is advantageous particularly for abrasive media or very high temperatures. In such cases, the device can simply measure from the outside, through a microwave permeable window, e.g. of ceramic or plastic.
Also when used for level detection of liquids or object detection, the microwave barrier offers many advantages over other measuring principles. It can be used both as max. sensor and min. sensor.
VEGAMIP 61 fits in VEGA's plics concept and offers all the advantages of that modular system.
Housings of plastic, aluminium or stainless steel as well as different antenna systems and process fittings are at the user's disposal. He can thus configure the sensor to meet exactly his requirements.