&The GF 4000 metal separation systems, by S+S Separation and Sorting Technology, are primarily used for quality control in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. All system components have been designed to meet stringent hygiene standards in these industries. Integrated in pipeline systems the separators remove magnetic and non-magnetic metal particles from pneumatically conveyed bulk materials such as granulate, powder or flour. GF 4000 metal separation systems can be integrated in horizontal, vertical and inclined vacuum and pressure pipes. The system offers excellent metal detection, maximum resistance to interference and is highly reliable both mechanically and operationally. The rapid-reacting Quick Flap System removes metal contaminants without any interruption to the production process, even at high flow rates.
Metal separation systems
the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries
- by S&S Separation & Sorting GmbH
- October 11, 2010