MESH Control Network

for the Beverage Industry

  • MESH Control Network
    MESH Control Network

    At Asia Pacific Breweries Singapore (APBS) a MESH control network has been successfully implemented. The automation solution upgrades and replaces copper-based communication networks and increases APBS’ overall computing processing capacity. Including the operating system upgrades and optimization for batch control processes, the entire project was brought online with nearly zero productionline downtime. APBS is the first brewery in Southeast Asia to use this technology to substantially improve their automated production speed and efficiencies while improving their ability to control and monitor more simultaneous processes. For many forward-looking producers such as APBS, MESH networks provide whole new levels of automating and controlling production and quality processes,” said Mr. Tony Ho, vice president of sales for Invensys Process Systems (IPS), Asia Pacific. “MESH networks bring high availability and fault tolerance to production lines. Their inherent configurability and adaptability allow APBS to bring to market new beer products faster, while maintaining high quality and consistent taste standards.” The MESH control network has greatly improved the network process communication loading compared with the previous copper cabled Ethernet network. This is achieved with a Foxboro Field Control Processor and a Field Device System Integrator Module, 10/100 MBPS Ethernet, Single. The installation of the distributed and field-mounted controller that performs and monitors process control according to the user-defined strategy provides an additional 25% spare blocks and 40% more CPU loading. Coupled with module, this provides Ethernet modbus communication that is many times faster than the previous serial modbus. This allows for quicker response and provides APBS the flexibility to add on more I/O points in AB PLC side when required. “APBS is glad to work with IPS in the upgrade and replacement of our legacy systems and to take the lead in implementing the region’s first MESH control network,” said Mr. Juan Candau, technical manager, APBS. “The increased capabilities and operation improvement powered by IPS systems are in line with APBS’ modern product processes and methodology that deliver consistent, high-quality beverages to customers all over the world.”