The BIO-CEL-MCP mechanical cleaning process utilizing granulates provides an environmentally friendly cleaning process for submerged membranes in membranebio- reactor (MBR) applications. This allows for a chemical free operation and even more importantly a significant enhancement of flux. The usage of the MCP is even suitable for external membrane cleaning of the fouled membranes in any condition. In terms of sustainability with this cleaning process the environment can be protected (no usage of chemicals and therefore no chemical by-products). Additionally the cost can be reduced. Due to their small footprint and superior effluent quality, MBR plants are the next generation of biological wastewater treatment. The driving force for this technology is the request for cleaner, more environmentally friendly cleaning of the membrane modules.
for chemical free cleaning of MBR plants
- by Microdyn-Nadir GmbH & Co. KG
- February 1, 2009