announce a strategic partnership

  • May 17, 2013

Magnetrol International and APM Automation Solutions Ltd. (Tel Aviv, Israel) have completed a market-changing agreement designating Magnetrol as a global private label distributor of APM's groundbreaking bulk solids measurement technology.

The non-contact, dust penetrating bulk solids measurement technology will now be distributed around the globe through Magnetrol's numerous international offices and distribution network, a partnership that will allow both companies to significantly advance the solids measurement market.

APM’s revolutionary technology accurately measures volume of stored solid contents, by mapping multiple measurement points on the material surface and generating an accurate reading of the content, thus helping companies and factories to improve inventory management and optimize the process flow of their operations using true and reliable measurement.

"This exciting business partnership is a critical step in a changing industry that will no longer rely on simple level estimation,” says APM CEO Ofir Perl. "With Magnetrol's global business reach, APM's patented volume measurement technology will now become the standard of industry for bulk solids measurements.”

Magnetrol’s CONTOUR product works with almost every solid and bulk powder material, such as coal, cement, sand, aggregates, fly ash, chemicals, fertilizers, food, grain and plastic pellets. In addition to bins and silos, the systems allow measuring in previously difficult-to-measure vessels or containers, such as bunkers, hoppers, pits, open bins, bulk storage rooms and warehouses.

Combining the revolutionary APM technology and Magnetrol's strength and presence in international markets will boost APM's technology presence and will allow Magnetrol to secure large segments of the bulk solids measurement market, as well as complete its product line.

”This agreement provides a unique strategic fit. APM is a company that has pioneered the application of low-frequency acoustic technology to provide a 3-dimensional map and volumetric measurement of solid material in silos and open bins, says John Heiser, vice president and COO of Magnetrol. “This novel capability from APM overcomes the limitations associated with conventional technologies in solids level applications and has the potential to revolutionize the market. Magnetrol and our channel partners offer a well-earned reputation as the level supplier of choice for the most difficult applications. A Magnetrol/APM partnership extends the range of applications that Magnetrol can solve with our customers to include very difficult solids inventory measurement, further enhancing our position as the ‘customer’s preferred partner’ for level controls.”