JD Neuhaus Presents its Improved Website

The renovated website represents state-of-the-art operation and is more user-friendly, more informative and better structured, while being technically and graphically optimised

  • July 19, 2017
  • JD Neuhaus Presents its Improved Website
    JD Neuhaus Presents its Improved Website

J D Neuhaus Group (JDN) has recently completed the improvement of its innovative website www.jdngroup.com. As the leading German manufacturer of pneumatic and hydraulic hoists and crane systems, its well-known address incorporates many improvements. It is more user-friendly, more informative and better structured, while being technically and graphically optimised, to represent state-of-the-art operation.

Conversion to a responsive web design enables the content to adapt automatically to the size of the screen being used, and the whole content can now also be viewed more efficiently on tablets and smartphones. The horizontal navigation has also been reduced to emphasise the menus for Products, Service and Company.

As the Service and Company sections of the site had already been re-launched towards the end of 2016, the website now presents itself with a modern look, feel and operation in a full screen mode. Also new is the News Slider on the homepage and underneath, the most important image themes of the JDN Group will be presented.