Itris Automation Will Be Exhibiting at SPS IPC Drives Nuremberg

The renowned trade show for electric automation and system components starting next Tuesday 24th November will see the participation of Itris Automation among the numerous exhibitors

  • November 20, 2015
  • Itris Automation Will Be Exhibiting at SPS IPC Drives Nuremberg
    Itris Automation Will Be Exhibiting at SPS IPC Drives Nuremberg

Itris Automation will be present from 24th to 26th November at SPS IPC Drives Nuremberg, the most important exhibition in the industrial automation. Like every year, the 26th edition of this fair will gather thousands of exhibitors and visitors from all over the world, among which PLC Open (Booth 174 - Hall 7). As an active member of the association, Itris Automation participated in the writing of a global coding standard for PLC programming and will, like last year, be present on its booth. Itris Automation had a booth on the SPS Parma edition in Mai 2015 as well, where it won the price for the best paper with its concept of PLC Software Factory.

The concept of PLC Software Factory is at the heart of 4.0 industry: it puts into focus repeatability and measurability of the industrial process. Thanks to Itris Automation's technology, these principles can be applied to the PLC software production. Indeed Itris Automation's products allow to measure PLC code's quality by checking the respect of good practise rules, generating documentation about the code automatically, or converting it into another format (from one brand to another). Thanks to its collaboration with technical partners like Auvesy, Itris Automation is able to supply a complete technical solution, which is suitable for the optimisation of programming.

Itris Automation is a software editor providing industrial tools for PLC programming. For more than 12 years the company has been holding its own language, which allows to automatically draw IEC 61131-3 languages to abstraction level. This advanced comprehension of PLC languages permits to install an innovative system at its customers, enabling collaboration on all levels. Project Managers, developers, certification bodies, quality managers and industry experts have access to the same degree of information. Itris Automation's products complete the programming tools of international PLC vendors (Schneider, Siemens, Rockwell...) by adding functionalities such as quality measurement, version management, documentation and conversion.

To develop its technology and its products, Itris Automation works in close collaboration with all sector representatives: the certification companies (for example Det Norske Veritas), the PLC vendors (Schneider, CoDeSys, Siemens, Phoenix Contact...) and various associations (PLC Open, Club Automation, Control System Integrator Association, ISPE).

With its local partner AutoSiS, Itris Automation has penetrated the German market, and companies like Dürr, Daimler, Manz and Siemens are among its satisfied customers.