Insertion flow meter

for municipal or industrial water treatment

  • Insertion flow meter
    Insertion flow meter

    With its multi-electrode sensor packaged in an insertion style configuration suitable for hot-tap installation, the Marsh Multi-Mag Flow Meter eliminates the costly cut-and-splice operations and system shutdowns required with full-bore meters. The sensor design compensates for variable water flow profiles, including low-flow conditions. Multiple electrodes located across the sensor body continuously measure and indicate the average flow rate. It is accurate, repeatable and stable with virtually no drift that requires field recalibration. The meter fits in crowded installations with too much equipment and too little space. Hot tap installation allows it to be easily removed and installed in other locations to support trouble-shooting or temporary measurement needs. The meter is available for service in line sizes from 0.1 to 3m, providing bi-directional or forward flow only depending on the specific model. Accuracy is ±1% of reading ± zero stability from +0.1 to +6m/s, and repeatability is 0.20% of range.