In-situ oxygen sensors

for inertization processes

  • In-situ oxygen sensors
    In-situ oxygen sensors

    When handling potentially explosive substances in your manufacturing process, limiting the level of oxygen is the method of choice for ensuring safety. For continuous and direct, in-situ oxygen measurement, Mettler Toledo’s InPro 6850i G sensors offer an industry-proven and reliable solution, with the added upside of a minimized inert gas bill through accurate oxygen control. Having vapors of flammable liquids or dusts exposed to air in a tank or vessel can be a major safety hazard. This is why a limiting oxygen concentration (LOC) must be determined for each particular application. Keeping the vessel safely below the predefined LOC level often relies on injecting additional inert gas to reduce the oxygen to nitrogen ratio to an acceptable level, adding a safety factor of usually a few % oxygen. The purging usually is done by letting nitrogen flush either continuously or when a specific, fixed overpressure level is reached. Both techniques however are indirect and rely on assumptions on what the effective oxygen to nitrogen ratio in the vessel effectively is, and maintaining this ratio throughout all the process states of filling and emptying the vessel. So, in order to keep the vessel safe at all stages, very often too much nitrogen is consumed. With a measurement system based on the InPro 6850i G amperometric oxygen, the true oxygen concentration in the vessel can be measured in-line, continuously. By controlling oxygen, nitrogen purging can be contained and inert gas consumption optimized. The amperometric oxygen sensors convince through their excellent price/performance ratio, and their minimized maintenance time of only two minutes. The InPro 6850i G sensor features Intelligent Sensor Management (ISM) technology for better measurement reliability and predictive maintenance. Digital ISM sensors monitor their own status in real time for early signs of wear and preempt maintenance requirements. Benefits:

    • True in-line oxygen measurement, direct oxygen determination in the vessel improves process safety
    • Efficient operation, continuous oxygen measurement in the vessel helps to keep inert gas consumption to a minimum
    • Easy maintenance, two-minute membrane exchange can be done at the measurement point
    • Fast, easy calibration, one-point calibration in air requires no specialist skills or expensive calibration gases
    • Predictive maintenance, ISM technology for enhanced reliability and advanced maintenance