Hutchinson HPP® belt drive systems

for micro hydro power plants

  • Hutchinson HPP® belt drive systems
    Hutchinson HPP® belt drive systems

    Hutchinson, a French company from the Chemical Branch of the Total Group - first French group - is one of the world's leaders in elastomer transformation. Hutchinson, inventor of the Poly V® concept, is recognized throughout the world as the specialist for belt drive systems. Hutchinson HPP® belt : A new belt designed for micro hydro power plants The Poly V® family has also a new member, please welcome the HPP (Hydro Power Plant) PolyV®.

    In the business of making money with the water force and after months and years of administration, it is eventually all about maximising the output through an efficient and cost effective system. The system needs to be fairly quiet to avoid problems with the neighborhood and to be very reliable as every day without energy production is just a day lost in the amortization of the installation.

    Hutchinson brings a new dedicated PolyV® belt structure to the market for Hydropower facilities, the HPP (Hydro Power Plant) Poly V®, a quieter and maintenance free belt!