JD Neuhaus. When Johann Diederich Neuhaus built his first wooden shaft winch in 1745, he presumably had no idea how decisive it would later become for the effortless movement of heavy loads. This masterpiece, however, did allow him to be registered as a “fabricator” in the “Masters’ roll of Sprockhoevel manufactories“. The foundations had been laid for the J.D. Neuhaus company. We initially produced winches for the locks and the many horse drawn barges on the Ruhr river. Later, the winches were used for lifting railway carriages onto the tracks and for loading goods. Use in coal mines in the German Ruhr area became increasingly significant and in around 1880, our winches were already capable of moving loads of up to 7,500 kg. As the quality of the available materials improved, our products became increasingly compact and high performance.
Hoists and Cranes Engineered for Extremes
Moving loads: A family tradition since 1745
- by J.D. Neuhaus GmbH & Co. KG
- September 22, 2016