Hans Turck's Death Notice

Hans Turck, co-founder of the Turk Group, passed away on July 10 at the the age of 91, just three months after the death of his younger brother Werner

  • July 15, 2015
  • Hans Turck's Death Notice
    Hans Turck's Death Notice

Hans Turck passed away on July 10, 2015, aged 91. Barely three months after the death of his younger brother Werner, the Turck Group looses the second company founder and an outstanding personality.

With its sociability and openness, the pronounced focus on sales and the ability to inspire customers and explore international markets, Hans Turck very early paved the way to a globally successful company. After completing his engineering studies in 1950, Hans Turck first collected ten years experience of sales, before he became independent with an engineering firm in Mülheim, from which later the Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG emerged. In 1965 he sold the first own product - an amplifier module that his brother Werner produced in Halver.

After the withdrawal from active management in 1998, Hans Turck enjoyed his retirement with his wife Monika alternately in Mülheim an der Ruhr and in his adopted home of South Africa's Cape Town. He has always followed the further development of the group with interest. In this time, he also devoted himself with commitment to his great hobby, genealogy. In the field of genealogy he gained great credit, among others things, with card-indexing of Westphalian church records.