Electromagnetic flow meter

with full profile insertion

  • Electromagnetic flow meter
    Electromagnetic flow meter

    McCromerter's FPI Mag (Full Profile Insertion) Electromagnetic Flow Meter features sensing electrodes for increased sensitivity and is packaged in a heavy-duty 316 stainless steel sensor body for maximum structural integrity. The meter with hot tap installation addresses the need for municipalities to provide uninterrupted service 24/7, but at the same time improves process control and ensures delivery accountability. The FPI Mag meter’s compact insertion design fits in confined spaces with limited access and offers total accessibility. The Electromagnetic Flow Meter  can be removed in pipes under pressure for easy inspection, cleaning, calibrating or verification. With highly stable measurement, the FPI Mag features accuracy of ±1% of reading ± 0.009m/s zero stability from 0.009 to 6m/s velocity range. With no moving parts and a single-piece design, the multi-electrode sensor contains nothing to wear or break, and it is generally immune to clogging by sand, grit or other debris. Edited by: Constanze Schmitz