ECHA to start publishing comments

during CLH public consultations

  • December 14, 2012
  • ECHA to start publishing comments
    ECHA to start publishing comments

Starting with the next public consultation on 18 December 2012, ECHA will publish comments received during the public consultation on proposals for Harmonised Classification and Labelling (CLH) while it is ongoing. The Agency has done this to make the consultation process more transparent and efficient. From now on, interested parties will be able to read and respond to comments submitted within the 45-day public consultation. ECHA encourages parties concerned to submit comments early during the consultation period to allow sufficient time for the public to react and provide comments.

In addition, the comments received during the public consultations which ended on the 7 December 2012 are now made available on ECHA's website. This is the first time that the Agency has published the comments before the adoption of the Risk Assessment Committee's opinion. Previously, the publication of the comments was made available on the ECHA website only within 18 months from the day of the public consultation launch.

The substances in the 7 December 2012 public consultation were Carvone (and its individual stereoisomers), Dimethenamid-P, Lead and Metaldehyde.