Contactless safety switch

for protective equipment

  • Contactless safety switch
    Contactless safety switch

    Siemens has launched an electronic contactless safety switch for protective equipment, such as covers, flaps and doors, onto the market. The 3SE63 safety switch is based on contactless RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) transponder technology and offers a high level of protection against interference, tampering and bypassing. The rugged safety switch has a plastic enclosure providing a high degree of protection up to IP69K that is resistant to detergents and is designed for a long service life and for use under extreme environmental conditions. It switches wear-free and covers a wide range of applications, including protective covers, flaps and doors that are difficult to adjust or that open and close frequently. The switch can be used in safety applications up to Performance Level e according to EN 13849-1 as well as SIL 3 according to IEC 61508/62061 and is suitable for connecting several devices in parallel. The contactless safety switch satisfies the regulations for tamper-proof occupational safety protection through individual coding of the switch and actuator. The low-maintenance device is equipped with integrated monitoring functions for open-circuit, external voltage and cross-circuit, and has two short-circuit-proof 24 V DC safety outputs. Further comprehensive diagnostic functions, such as threshold indication, can be displayed on the status LEDs on the device or obtained from the diagnostics output for further processing. The electronic safety switch has a larger switching displacement than mechanical switches and therefore a wider tolerance band. This means that the device can be mounted and adjusted quickly and easily.