Compact Level Transmitter

Intelligent processing for improved accuracy

  • Compact Level Transmitter
    Compact Level Transmitter

    Siemens presents Sitrans Probe LU240, its newest ultrasonic level measurement Hart transmitter, a hardworking and rugged device that provides reliable level, volume, and flow measurements. Engineered for the challenges of the environmental industry, this transmitter is also suited for the chemical and food and beverage applications. Field-proven Process Intelligence echo processing separates true material level echoes from false, providing reliable readings while still allowing rapid response to actual changes in the material level. The device’s reduced blanking distance decreases waste in applications while boosting asset utilization by providing continuously accurate readings even with high levels of material. 

    Delivery of process temperatures and level

    Sitrans Probe LU240’s four-button user interface or remote configuration with Simatic PDM ensures fast and easy setup. Operators will save time and maintenance costs with Sitrans Probe LU240’s transparent lid: in manual observations, users can observe values directly instead of by removing the device’s lid. For those applications requiring process temperature data, Sitrans Probe LU240 now gives users both level and temperature readings. The device is also battery and solar-power friendly due to a low start-up current of 3.55 mA and minimum 10.5-volt operation.

    Easy integration of digital field data to the control room

    In dirty applications or those with buildup, the transmitter’s maintenance-free active face technology keeps the sensor clean and is also unaffected by wind, rain, snow or temperature changes. And for rugged applications in harsh environments, it is IP68 fully potted and encapsulated with a PVDF sensor resistant to corrosion, chemicals, and extreme shock. 
    Digitalization integrates critical field data into a plant’s entire operations, unlocking new opportunities to analyze processes and identify areas for improvement. By connecting Sitrans Probe LU240 to a control system, operators can monitor level measurements from the comfort of the control room or on the go using a solution from the suit of Siemens automation or remote products.