Ammonium Sensors

liver economical analytical measurement

  • Ammonium Sensors
    Ammonium Sensors

    The S10 and S17 Ammonium Sensors consist of two universal sensors and replaceable electrode cartridges. The S10 Sensor is an immersion or an insertion style sensor, and the S17 is a valve retractable style sensor. They are fully re-buildable and feature a 316 stainless steel body that incorporates the sensing element, a temperature module and a signal conditioner with cabling. Ammonium concentration is a commonly measured parameter in environmental water, potable water and waste water. The pIon electrode cartridge measures the activity of “free” Ammonium ions in solution in concentrations from 0.5 to 18,000ppm over a pH range from 2-10 pH. The pIon can measure Ammonium ions over a wide temperature range of 0 to 40ºC. Both sensors utilize ECD’s replaceable electrode cartridges, which can be selected to measure pH, ORP, dissolved oxygen, conductivity and resistivity. These cartridges provide specific solutions for the most demanding measurement requirements, and they are constructed in a variety of configurations and materials to support diverse industries.