Air Products completes

acquisition of CryoService

  • March 29, 2012
  • Air Products completes
    Air Products completes

    Air Products today announced it has completed the acquisition of the UK company CryoService Limited, which will now be known as Air Products CryoEase Services. For over a decade both businesses have operated in partnership to supply cryogenic and specialist gases to customer's in science, leisure and general industry.

    "This acquisition demonstrates Air Products sustained commitment to our integrated industrial gas model as a means of creating higher growth and profitability," commented Ivo Bols, Air Products' Vice President and General Manager, Merchant Gases – Europe. “Complimenting our existing Tonnage, Liquid Bulk and Packaged Gases businesses, the addition of CryoService's microbulk provides us with an even stronger ability to serve our customers' needs by offering them a choice of all modes of supply."