Aeration, mixing and pumping equipment

for Brasilian wastewater treatment plant

  • Aeration, mixing and pumping equipment
    Aeration, mixing and pumping equipment

    Sulzer has delivered state-of-the-art aeration, mixing and pumping applications to a new wastewater plant in Campos do Jordão, Brazil. This is the first wastewater treatment plant in the city – a popular tourist destination in Brazil, approximately 180 kilometers east of São Paulo.

    The plant was inaugurated in March 2014. It is one of the most comprehensive wastewater projects where Sulzer is involved by supplying a total package to the treatment plant and connected lifting stations.

    The wastewater treatment plant is a partnership between Sabesp, the public water and wastewater utility in the State of São Paulo, and Araucária Saneamento S.A., a consortium of private companies headed by GS Inima Brasil. The new plant, which uses biological treatment processes with activated sludge followed by ultrafiltration membranes, will serve 47,000 residents within the city and 700,000 tourists in the region annually. The plant will allow Campos do Jordão to reach the highest coverage in wastewater treatment, a significant achievement to ensure the well-being of the local population and to protect the water sources in the region.

    The scope of supply comprises four Turbocompressors type ABS HST 9000, approximately 3,000 fine-bubble disc diffusers, eight submersible mixers type ABS RW and 13 sewage submersible pumps type ABS XFP, including installation and start-up services. The combination of these products provides significant benefits to the customer, such as higher energy-efficiency, lower costs of operation as well as increased reliability and performance in the overall system.