Advanced Oxygen Analysers

With remote access for flexible software configuration and set-up

  • Advanced Oxygen Analysers
    Advanced Oxygen Analysers

    Oxygen is the latest parameter to be added to Signal’s advanced range of Series 4 continuous gas analysers. The AURORA is a Paramagnetic Oxygen Analyser for accurate percent measurements in incineration processes, inert atmospheres, medical and safety for humans, internal combustion engine exhausts and many more applications.

    Remote set-up and configuration

    As a Series 4 instrument, the AURORA is supplied with software for remote access and control over the Internet, and with an optional touch-screen colour display, the AURORA is simple to operate on site. To ensure flexibility, users are able to specify their required configuration and programmable contact closures are available for gas path control.
    Offering long-term reliability the AURORA delivers outstanding performance - 0.1% resolution and 0.1% linearity. Remote access to Series 4 analysers means that users can perform a number of key functions from the comfort of their own office. This includes analyser set-up and configuration, remote viewing of readings, the collection of logged data and remote troubleshooting; all of which saves the time and cost of site visits.