Höntzsch has designed the TA10/15 p40 thermal flow sensor for measuring flow rate for working pressures of up to 40 bar. This sensor can also be used in category 1 zone 0 and 20 as well as category II zone 1 and 21 atmospheres.
The sensor has a short time constant to accurately determine occurring usage peaks. The measuring span is 1:1000. Therefore, the slightest leakage as well as peak values in the case of extreme withdrawal are reliably measured and balanced.
The transducer contained in an Ex d enclosure has a backlit, easy-to-read LCD. Here both the instantaneous value in l/h or m3/h and the accumulated total are displayed. The TA10/15 p40 is factory-configured for the respective measuring task, but can be adapted via a HART interface by the customer at any time to the specific requirements. In addition to the analog 4-20 mA output a relay, which can be configured as either limit value or quantity pulse, is also available.
ACHEMA 2012 - Thermal flow sensor
for working pressures of up to 40 bar
- by Höntzsch GmbH
- June 29, 2012